Some examplese

I introduce here some of my ideas. I ask you to have a look at these pictures. If you have a idea to build a Homo-Monument - send: Email

Dear Sir or Madam! It would interest me which of my ideas for a memorial you like best of all. They can also click several.
New: 2 proposals of a visitor
Rosa Dreieck mit schwarzem Podest, darauf weißer Vogel von 4 Stangen umgeben die sich zu einer Hakenkreuzform vereinigen. Proposal-1

In the middle of a pink triangle there is a black stage. On it is a white bird. This bird is surrounded by four grey poles. These four poles unite above the bird to a swastika.

Rosa Dreieck, schwarzes Podest; darauf weißer Vogel von Stangen umgeben. Proposal-2

Pink triangle with black stage, on it a white bird. This bird is surrounded by six grey poles.

Dreieckiges rosafarbenes Podest, darauf ein weißer Vogel mit einem Regenbogenschweif. Monument-1

Triangular, pink-coloured stage, on it a white bird with a rainbow tail. This rainbow tail goes in a semicircle down and lies in the stage.

Dreistöckiges rosafarbenes Podest mit Abschrägung (für Rollstuhlfahrer).

4-storied, pink-coloured stage. At one of the triangular points a bevelling (for wheel chair drivers) around is on the second-highest level to come. In the lowest level a side has in length of approx. 10 m.

Dreieckiges, rosafarbenes Podest mit einer dreieckigen weißen Säule.

Triangular, pink-coloured stage with a triangular white column. With the triangular column is absent on every corner one in 45 ° road-cut piece. For the rest, a sloping, triangular surface remains. The column, with three sloping surfaces is white, the stage and the triangle at the head of the column is Rose.

Dreieckige, rosafarbene Pyramide
Triangular, pink-coloured pyramid

Dieses Mahnmal gleicht sehr dem bekannten Stonehenge
This memorial is strongly inspired by "Stonehenge". Four stone rings (into each other), in the middle a stone_altar and a pink corner.

Verschiedene Steinringe (ineinander)
Outside three small stones in the triangle. Further inside a stone ring. The central ring exists of six stone gates. With everybody a pink corner is got caught on top.

Gleicht ebenfalls sehr Stonehenge, von rechts führt ein Weg ins Zentrum des Plates.
This memorial reminds something again of Stonehenge. From the right a way leads to a stone circle. On the top left and on the bottom left is deepening. Further inside a stone ring, with some distance again two stone rings (again into each other). In the centre a ring from of six rectangular stones, in it a rectangle and a pink corner.

Zwei Wege kreuzen sich, in der Mitte mehrere Kreise - ineinander - Im Zentrum ein rosa Dreieck.
Two ways cross. In the middle several circles (into each other). In the centre a pink triangle.

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